When creating my Letter P Lesson Plan, I really wanted to make pizza with the kids. However, I wanted something a little simpler, personal, and relatively quick. I discovered similar recipes online whole searching for personal pizzas. We created a class sign up sheet and put it on the door to the classroom. The response was amazing and I think most of our 13 kids brought in something; whether it was pizza sauce or cheese or toppings.
Each child was allowed to make their own personalized pizza, which was later cooked and served to them. All the kids were very excited to eat the pizza they made. The response was so good at school, and I liked the pizzas myself, so I decided to try it at home too.
I do think the pizzas are a little sweet, but I'm not sure if its the sauce I'm buying or the sandwich thins. The pizzas were a hit at home too. Gabriel was only interested in helping with one or two and then he left the rest for Talon and I. To be honest, Talon did all the work on the second batch. Now he's asks me almost every day if there's something he can do to help with supper. It's too cute!
- 8oz Shredded Cheese
- 1 package Pepperoni
- 1 package Sandwich Thins
- 1 jar Pizza Sauce
- Preheat over to 375 degrees.
- Use 1/2 a sandwich thin and add pizza sauce, cheese, pepperoni and any other desired toppings.
- Repeat step 2 for all sandwich thin halves.
- Bake for approximately 10 minutes or until desire crispiness.
Each bag makes 16 mini pizzas. You may choose not to use 1/2, but use the whole sandwich thin for a thicker crust. This makes 8 per bag, and serves approximately 2 people.
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Find this recipe and more on my ZipList.
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