You might be thinking: woah, you're reviewing the entire series? What happened to a single book review? Well, I might as well review the whole thing, considering I lost many hours of sleep last week thanks to it. E.L. James does an amazing job accomplishing her goal of writing a story people fall n love with.
I was not joking when I said I lost quite a bit of sleep over this series. Between Tuesday night and Friday afternoon, I'd had about 13 hours of sleep. I could not put it down. Fifty Shades of Grey is the first in the trilogy, and I read at a more leisurely pace than the other two. I think it took me about 2.5 to 3 days. Of course, I did not know that this series was so, well, erotic. Before you tell me that the word erotic is on the back cover, I'm going to admit I didn't even read that.
My purchase of Fifty Shades of Grey was spur of the moment, when I couldn't find the book a was looking for at Wal Mart. I realized just what I was getting myself into when I, without much preamble, found myself reading this:
Firstly, I don’t make love. I fuck… hard.I think my eyes became the size of saucers, but I just had to read on. Throughout Fifty Shades of Grey, and the entire trilogy, E.L. James tastefully and artfully explores and exposes the erotic fantasies of Christian Grey. Even those light of heart might find themselves unable to put this series away because it is written in such a way that its not "dirty" or inappropriate, but a beautiful story.
I read Fifty Shades Darker in less than 36 hours. By the time I finished the first book and moved on to this one, all hope was lost for me. I was madly in love with Christian and Anastasia and all the characters throughout. The story was enchanting and I was lost in Fifty's world. I finished all but 50 pages of Fifty Shades Freed in 24 hours.
I hope that I have put into perspective how amazing I think the Fifty Shades Trilogy is, because I think it should be on everyone's reading list. In a few months, I'm sure Ill return to the series and fall head over heels for it again.
Have you read any of the Fifty Shades books? What are your opinions on them?