Paper Mache & How to Make It
Paper Mache can be bought for ridiculously more than it costs to make it. At my local art store, I originally bought (before later returning) two bags for roughly $8.00 each. At home, I made paper mache for the cost of a bag of flour. Paper Mache is not just the flour and water--you have to dip the strips of newspaper in it too. Materials Needed
- Water
- Old Newspaper
- Flour
Paper Mache Recipe
- Pour desired amount of flour into container.
- Mix cold water with flour to desired consistency. Electric mixer preferred, but not necessary. I prefer it to be really thick for the first layer and runny for the others. However, it's more of a personal preference.
- Shred newspaper. All other sources say that cutting it is not as effective? I have not personally tested the difference.
- Dip shredded newspaper into paste mix & apply coated paper to balloon (or whatever you're paper mache-ing).
Tip: You can add salt to your mix to prevent mold from growing. Mold is unlikely to grow, anyway, unless you make a large, single batch and let it sit for a long period of time. You could add some salt, just to be on the safe side, anyway.
I'm definitely not an expert in this area, but I am proud of what I did accomplish! I mean, look how cute the Wall-nut is! If you're trying to make a pinata, you might want to use google to find better resources (like Martha Stewart).